Meet @natyfrinee_yoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us ❤
"When the symptoms start you have no idea what it is. Then you discover that it is incurable & you
want to die, you see a bleak future. You cry daily. I thought “Wow I'm only 25 & I'm suffering this pain, what does my future hold?...Another 50 years living
like this?"I did not think that I would be able to continue, or have a family. But
You force yourself to continue, to fight, get out of bed. You discover that
when you do exercise you feel better, despite being exhausted. The symptoms are
pain in the body, anxiety, insomnia, restless legs, stress,
respiratory & skin allergies. So they told me to stop high impact
exercise & start with exercises like cycling, swimming or yoga
My yoga journey began by watching videos, then, after 2 years I started regular yoga classes & got
certified. I noticed changes: until one day there were almost no symptoms. It
was not easy, I had to have discipline , daily yoga practice , nutrition
care. But I learned to know myself, to say I should not
& cannot do everything alone, & nothing has to be perfect. At 28 I got
married, at 31 I had my daughter. It was not an easy pregnancy, again some symptoms returned, it was not easy
breastfeeding, I had insomnia & I thought I would go crazy. But I had
the help of my family & yoga
Today I live happily, giving yoga
classes, without symptoms. My husband
@alexgomezyoga was certified as a yoga teacher at the same time as me , in
@sadhakyoga & now we have our own yoga studio branch
Sadhak Yoga La Fe. We are dedicated to sharing yoga with the world
because we know that it changes lives, creating a happier & healthier life
Today I
just finished a diploma in nutrition. I love how yoga has returned my smile &
light to my life. To know that the real me, is inside , that only I can
change how I respond and react to what life deals me.
So, I hope all find their mission in life. All is temporal. Everything is an experience to learn, to discover who you are. You are strong. You are a miracle. Yoga helped me realise that it's a life worth living 🙏