"Depression affects different people in different ways & you never really know what is going on in someone else’s mind" . . Meet Jenna @theblondeyogi_namaste sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤ . "I started practicing yoga almost 10 months ago in July of 2017. It wasn’t even my idea . . I used to have the worst attitude. I would get so angry, over nothing, with my family, the people who loved me most. My mom was disappointed in me; my sister didn’t want to talk to me when I was at my worst. I pushed my family away. They couldn’t take my negativity or attitude. . . One day while looking for doctors to help me or prescribe medicine for depression & anxiety, my mom came into my room & I broke down. I hated who I was. She pointed out my unhealthy habits, told me I didn’t need to see a doctor & I just needed to make changes . . I went to a local studio & fell in love with yoga, amazed it could offer me so much more than a workout. After a couple of months I felt a shift in myself. I was happier, I found something to distract me from my negative thoughts, something I am passionate about. I love learning everything yoga has to offer. Yoga is my escape. I practice daily & in a years time I'm looking into YTT . . Today I have a much better relationship with my family & loved ones, & also with myself, I can finally say that I love myself again for the first time in a long time. I have an amazing support system. I am so grateful for my mom for taking the time to help me work out these issues with me & now we both enjoy yoga & I love our mother/daughter dates now. I don’t take them for granted. My boyfriend is also incredibly supportive . . I still have bad days, but bad days are different, I notice my depression sooner & try to ease it away, which is something yoga has taught me. I have learned to be grateful for everything in my life. I have learned to calm myself & breathe properly. I have learned the law of attraction & that the universe always has my back . . Yoga has saved me by teaching me to let go of the habits that stopped me from being the best version of myself & helped me become the person I always knew I could be 🙏"
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