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"For 25 years I never spoke of my traumas to anyone"

Meet Lisa @lisavalentineyoga

This is her #yogasavedmylife story. These are here words ❤



"My sister and I were neglected at a young age, our birth mother had us at the age of 16 and 18 by different fathers and was a single mum. Our mother had numerous mental breakdowns that resulted in us being sent to foster homes. I hold no anger of this only compassion for this poor woman whom had to make the most difficult decision to give us up"



Age 4 and 2 we were adopted by a couple whom were unable to have children themselves and were desperate to have a family



This sounds like a truly happy ending for 2 vulnerable young girls. However our adoptive dad sexually abused us from a young age through to teenage life. At this young age you grow up thinking this is normal



As a young teenager as a cry for help. I took drugs, drank heavily, self harmed and allowed other men/boys to take advantage of me. I was in and out of children’s homes, I was to afraid to speak out because of fear of further loss. I was too scared to report it as didn’t want my adopted dad to go to prison or my adoptive mum to be on her own. You hear all the time about the abused not wanting to report their abuser because of fear, or that you simply loved that person and didn’t want to see them punished. It’s messed up and to this day I struggle with this even though he has since passed



So long story short, I wanted more for myself and took off travelling around the world age 21, this is when I discovered meditation then yoga. I self taught on my travels quietly contemplating. Like my travels, yoga was an escapism from facing reality



However, yoga was so much more. There were a few times I thought about walking out to sea to end my turmoil



Yoga and meditation taught me self love and appreciation and drew me away from such thoughts, drawing me into a hypnotic state that allowed me to let go of the past



Now I am a teacher and hopefully helping many more work through there past or current traumas ❤🙏 Lisa

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