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"From my very first yoga class, I knew that I would one day teach this ancient practice"

Meet @cosmicmotherhood sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚



"I discovered Yoga in 2009, by way of the most beautiful shala, with the most magical teacher. I had grown up a dancer, but hadn't practiced in years, and there was a part of me that had remained dormant from the time I stopped dancing until I found yoga


Yoga cracked me open, and gave me the courage to leave the stagnant life and relationship I was stuck in and move to the city that was beckoning my heart. From that point on, my life took off, and doors opened where before it seemed there were only walls


In 2014 I had the honor of studying to be a yoga teacher with @jason_crandell


In 2016, yoga saved me again during my pregnancy with my first daughter. It taught me to slow down, to stay in touch with my growing changing body, and my pranayama practice helped me to have an unmedicated, present birth despite my daughter arriving 5 weeks early


I now feel a deep calling to help guide other pregnant women and new mothers through such transformational times. We have to care for ourselves deeply, both emotionally and physically, in order to be able to care for others. When we have the ability to be present and harness the power of our breath, to be in touch with ourselves and quiet the noise around us, we can tune into our intuition and bring that wisdom forth with us into the world 🙏


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