This is the amazing @peace_tina_ who graduates her YTT in Bali today! Congratulations Tina ❤ This is her #yogasavedmylife story
"Everything I experienced growing up – as an only child in a broken home led to that. Abandonment issues led to me being surrounded by the wrong people. The pain of feeling alone & unloved led to escapism as I turned to drugs at 14 & continued for 15 years. In 2013, I turned my addictions towards fitness where I worked out obsessively & lost balance: it worsened when I began competing in fitness as I suffered from body image issues, eating disorders, low self-esteem, self-harm, anxiety & severe depression while continuing to use drugs. Life spiraled downward. I was broken. It hurt me & those around me who cared. After a painful breakup, I hit rock bottom & realized I could give up or change. I then managed to break free of my addictions & heal myself by adopting a plant-based lifestyle
I felt lighter & brighter every single day. It enhanced my yoga & spiritual practices, which, continues to keep me growing as I become a higher version of myself. I travelled, gaining a new perspective & appreciation for life & I volunteer to give back. I learned making someone else smile with an act of kindness was enough to fill my heart
To today & my YTT in Bali, so much purging, crying, laughter, sharing, hugs & asanas shared with goddesses. I love you all, respect every one of you on this yoga journey: We came to learn; pass our knowledge to others Yoga is not just postures. Its the breathe. Opening up to deep inner healing & facing up to what causes you pain. To surrender. To open your heart to healing inside out. Dissolve the ego. Be present. Acknowledge your body & thoughts. Be at peace with your entire being. We are here on this planet to learn & teach. We overcome obstacles to grow & help others overcome theirs. Everyone has their own stories & experiences: but the most valuable lesson I've learned is to love yourself here & now, as you are. Be authentic. Be yourself. Namaste & Thank you @highvibeyoga @meilaiswanyoga "