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Meet Louis @oneflowatatime sharing his #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are his words 💚

"For my 28 birthday (3.5 years ago) I decided to get away with some close friends for a little reset/chill out on a remote beach in Costa Rica. It was there, in a remote Shala walking distance from my bungalow, that i first stepped into a yoga class. Everything about the class was perfect. Instructor, location, flow. Instantly I knew it was what my soul was craving. Exactly what it needed. But I just wasn’t ready" . . "It took another 2 months, a bit more self sabotaging, the passing of a friend due to substance abuse, and my own decision to sober up, for me to step foot into a yoga studio again. It’s been 40 months of consistent almost daily practice @house_of_yoga and my life is a better as a result . . Physically I’m the strongest and most flexible I have ever been but the true benefits have come from my mental state. No I’m not zen all day and levitating during meditations, but my ability to remove myself from situations that normally would’ve awoken the beast is the greatest gift this practice has given me . . In recognition of International Yoga Day, i wanted to take a moment to thank all the amazing yogis who have inspired, motivated, supported and helped me grow in some way. You touched and impacted my life in more ways than you’ll ever truly know. The yoga community I’ve been blessed to find is the greatest support a person could want. There is no judgement, ego or motive. Only love and light" . . Om Shanti Peace Namaste 🙏


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