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Meet Maria @mandirayogadreams sharing her yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"I've suffered with rheumatism, Ankylosing Spondylitis, which affected my shoulders and my back very badly for about 10 years"


"Two years ago I was affected by another rheumatic disease, CRPS, stiffening my hand.

I had cortisone, painkillers, pills to sleep & antidepressants. I wasn't functioning as society or I was expecting. I couldn´t clean my apartment, go to the supermarket, hold a spoon. I lost the ability to move freely, I lost my job, my relationship, friends. Terrified I'd never recover



I started to practice yoga on a daily basis. Small steps at first: pranayama & modified Asanas. Very quickly I could feel an improvement



I decided to travel to India to do yoga teacher training, I'd wanted to for a long time but put it off. But now, I'd lost everything & I couldn't go on like this, so I finally listened to my heart & left. During YTT my strength returned & I experienced a happiness I though was gone forever



Five weeks of ayurvedic panchakarma treatment in India & continuous yoga practice means I've even stopped my medication



I want to share this incredible gift of healing yoga gives me. So I did more teacher training in Yoga Therapy, for Meditation & for Nada Yoga. Two years ago I was not even able to hold a spoon, now I play harmonium, do handstands & share Yoga 🙏



I am very grateful for absolutely everything that happened. The journey was very painful & I still face challenging situations but now I have the tools yoga gave to me to react differently. Sorrow is inevitable but suffering is a choice



Forgot a very long time I tried to hide the situation I was in. But we are all facing challenges, trying to find our way, we stand shoulder to shoulder. So I decided to share my story, in the hope it helps somebody in some way 🙏❤ Love & light, Maria


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