"My yoga practice found me at a time in my life where I knew little to no comfort in my own skin. At 11, struggling to feel accepted by my peers, I developed an Eating Disorder to cope. I spent my 17th birthday in an inpatient facility- my second round- when I met the yoga instructor who gave me tangible evidence of what a personal practice has to offer
I had practiced a little bit since I was 14, but lacked connection. I needed more
When I moved to Portland, OR after high school, I enrolled in the 200 hr RYT Training at The Bhaktishop with Lisa Mae Osborn and Monicka Koneski. I was introduced to the philosophy of yoga and it all clicked. The Bhaktishop became my Church. The Bhagavad Gita, my Bible. My practice - my place of peace, solace….refuge. I have been sharing the Yoga Love, teaching since
My yoga practice has been the one constance source of calm and clarity. When I married a man, 3 months pregnant with my daughter, and our relationship unfolded into toxic, abuse, + codependence, I had my breath. When we separated the first time, my mat was my emotional stomping ground. When we reconnected and I became pregnant with my son, yoga reminded me that I was safe inside the storm of life with an alcoholic abusing cocaine - until we separated again
Now, yoga has led me through what I hope to be my final round of Eating Disorder Inpatient treatment since I spent my last Christmas at a residential facility, and into my life of sobriety: 6 months!
This journey with yoga in all of it’s forms has kept me Conscious. Hungry for Life and Love and Vitality. Curious of the extent of my abilities
By practicing poses that call for attention and connection to the self, I see the undeniable ripple effects offering transformations in the rest of my life that leave me humbled and grateful. This practice isn’t easy. Not if you’re willing to dig deep and move from an authentic place
Yoga Saved my Life - because without it, I wouldn’t be able to fully grasp just how miraculous this human experience is, and enjoy it too ❤🙏