Meet @sundariyogakl sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
. "Most of my adulthood was spent chasing deadlines, running in heels (sometimes, literally), working crazy hours and tackling one challenge after another. That, plus motherhood. Plus all sorts of things that comes in a box labeled 'life', topped with a legacy of baggage buried deep in my memory
I'm not saying it was special. It was a too common adulthood story. The funny thing was, the crazy pace seemed to feed my overactive mind. It became the only life I knew. My drug. Paired with innate perfectionism, I was a ticking time bomb
I must have desensitized my feelings to stay afloat. But my body bore the brunt. It started showing all sorts of unspecified , inexplicable symptoms. It felt heavy. There was barely a day where I felt fully present and comfortable in my body. I ran on auto-pilot. And I became the most irritable person. The people closest to me knew that too well
Then, life took a turn and forced me to move away from the life that I was so familiar with. I was utterly lost, along with the loss of my former identity. I was in a different kind of state, something I did not even know how to deal with. It was numbing. I felt like a car that had run out of battery. I did not even know what to look forward to
Until I stumbled upon the path of yoga, where I learned to focus solely on what there is now, not what there was then. To detach from my former identity. To move slowly with my breath. To dedicate a certain time for myself. To progress, but by honoring our body. To reconnect with my soul. I can proudly say that now, I am the captain of my mind. Well, more often than not. Recalling that it used to be the other way around, it's amazing how I now feel light, and grounded at the same time
For the first time in my adult life, I know how it feels to be completely present in my body. To fully inhabit my body, and be engaged with it
Along the path of yoga, there have been countless moments where I fell deeply in love. Simply in love. With the present moment" .
