Meet Rebecca Quintero, @becaq
, sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"Anxiety & OCD had a very hard grip on me. I had just arrived from a visit back home to Venezuela & every molecule in my being ached, it was a dark and tight wound place. I looked at my boys Santiago & Julian sleeping in my bed & decided they needed better. Cesar, my husband, was far away & I didn't have my rock to help me weather the storm. So I turned my back on my meds, had a very rough night & the following morning I walked into a yoga studio
My OCD brain set a goal of 90 consecutive days of yoga, to totally immerse myself & not be afraid. Afraid mostly of the internal, what I was trying so hard to bury down and not face
That photo was taken on the day that goal was met! 90 days with no stopping, no matter what. My internal journey is far from over, but it led to a brand new chapter as I take a physical journey with all of my family, my motivation to conquer my moments of darkness
The pose in the photo is Camatkarasana or better known as Wild Thing. I have always been a Wild Thing myself & this pose came naturally one day without ever have been instructed the transition into it. It was me & I was it. My heart is open towards the sky, giving & receiving compassion, empathy and love . .
Since that photo I have continued in my daily yoga practice & decided to go further. I became certified as a yoga teacher a couple of months ago, aiming to help others who struggle with mental illness, physical disabilities & any other reason they feel that life is too hard
I have a teaching background in preschool education and my eldest son is Aspergers. I have applied guided meditations, breath work & asana practice with children & have been witness to the healing powers of yoga
Its now a year since I decided to leave anxiety meds aside & immerse myself in yoga in order to be the best parent possible for my children. Yoga has radically changed my life for the better
My gratitude to yoga & my teachers is infinite ❤🙏
