Hear yoga teacher, sound healer @karina.pupo.yoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story💚
"Because I wasn’t hearing as well as others, I subconsciously began to read people’s energy, lips; all the tiny cues to piece together what people were saying, how they felt & how I was impacting on them
Hearing became a sensual experience. I heard by the crispness of sight, the subtleties taste & scent; through the sensitivity of my skin & touch. As the sound barrier around me grew thicker & thicker, this sensual experience grew stronger, but my capacity to hear got worse & worse, & it impacted my confidence
Little did I know, this was the beginning of something I'd never expected. During the peak of losing my hearing, I became drawn to the crystal bowls & sound healing because I could feel the effects of the instruments before I could hear them. I had a number of Sound Healings with a sound healer because it complemented my yoga practice & teaching so beautifully. He pushed me to learn how to sing because he had busted me singing a few times, his words “Just go for it! You can sing” inspired me to do just that
I couldn’t hear myself from the outside (imagine sticking fingers in your ears and singing). I built my confidence slowly, I went through a lot of my own healing, clearing the blocks to activate my throat & let go of the fear of being heard & seen
I would chant with the bowls during Savasana in all the yoga classes I taught, & people would tell me about some incredible experiences they would have whilst I sung; tingles, physical sensations, emotional releases, visuals & altered states of consciousness. Because of the feedback, I knew it was healing for others, I began to see it as an incredible gift to my students so I kept going, kept practicing, kept showing up, but it scared the living crap out of me
I always believed I would overcome this, that this would be one of the greatest lessons & blessings. Having this experience has taught me to listen, with all of me, & it’s taught me to be ok with opening up, being seen & being listened to 🙏" .