My vision is to serve, sharing my stories, & the tools of yoga to help recover from co-dependency and domestic violence"
Meet the genuinely inspirational @amandamarieyogi, teaching yoga in Maryland. This is her #yogasavedmylife story 🙏
"When I found Yoga I discovered the power of mindfulness & self-awareness in 2012 after enrolling in a Hatha Yoga & Philosophy course. Practising daily, I studied intensely in the yoga sutras & developed a passion for Ayurveda, incorporating the Ayurvedic lifestyle into daily life. As my spiritual practice grew, I integrated yoga off the mat
Experiencing domestic violence in past relationships, I became more resilient to abuse, learning to identify & set boundaries; empowered to stand up for myself, my self worth. I learned to love myself. Instead of feeling like a victim, I learned that I was an enabler, I was co-dependent
After discovering a tumor in my thoracic spine I had to stop my physical practice completely. I was devastated. At the time, thinking the physical, vigorous practice of ashtanga was the only thing that could bring me stillness. I began to explore the slower, more meditative side of yoga, incorporating pranayama & meditation into my daily routine; both of which have drastically changed my view on yoga and on life. After surgery to remove the tumor, my physical therapist recommended Iyengar yoga to prevent injury & hasten recovery I began practice under @johnschumacheryoga. The subtle adjustments in my body created more space for awareness in my mind, feeling more grounded, calm This changed my teaching completely. Although I still teach Ashtanga & other styles, but with an emphasis on alignment & with an aspiration to connect with the world. I'm stronger physically and emotionally. After a couple years of practice my back has almost completely healed! I seek innovative ways to foster a sense of community in my classes & through the practice of yoga. I truly believe that if we're all more self-aware, all worked towards self-realization, the world be much more equanimous. I do my best to share this light hoping to bring the world closer together one breath at a time ❤🙏