Meet Antoinette Beauchamp, life coach & co-founder of @theabmethod
Sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us ❤
"Yoga changed my life in the best possible ways...
I believe that there are certain times in our lives where we have a "before...." and "after...." .
For me, that moment was my Yoga Teacher Training. A pivotal moment in my life that changed everything 🙏
I was half-heartedly involved in asana practice up until 8 months ago when I started my YTT. Yoga has transformed me in SO many ways and now I practice every single day. It grounds me, completely
As an extremely high-energy (easily anxious) person, yoga is my medicine. This practice has allowed me to open my heart and mind to SO many new thoughts and ideas that have forever changed me
Thank you yoga for being my guide to inner peace, discipline, and love (and so much more
Yoga has awakened my soul in a way I never thought possible. It opened my eyes to a world of more love and peace than I've ever known
Yoga has shaped who I am and who I am in my work as a life coach too
Yoga has ignited my spirituality more than I ever thought possible. I had no idea how connected I could be and already was to this magical universe. Everyday I walk outside and it’s raw and real EARTH...and the only reason I am able to see that now is because of my yoga practice. Living consciously is living my absolute best life. Sooo. Freaking. Grateful 🙏
I love every single one of you on your yoga journey. Share your story! The world needs it!
Yoga = unity. We are one...My heart bows to yours, open and raw as I'll ever be. With love and light, namaste ❤❤❤"
