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I felt lost & overwhelmed in the complexities of life & unsure of how I could contribute to humanity

Meet Victoria DeSalvo @jaivitayoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤



"Yoga is like a swift bandit in the night, impacting your life in the most subtle & silent ways. I didn't even know what I signed on for when I started my practice back in 2011



I knew I needed an escape from my job, I was searching for community & praying for direction. I had recently graduated from college & wanted to explore the freedom of life without being tethered down to anyone, anything or any place in particular. I embodied a "free spirit," gently floating along from my day to day seeking something more but failing to find it



I began taking a few yoga classes here and there, as a way to detach myself from the work I was in and to connect me to my truth. I was a scared little girl clinging onto anything I thought was of value to me.

Yet, what I was hoping would be valuable to me, ended up being the opposite



My misery and misguided nature was the catalyst that sparked my yogic life 🙏



I signed up for a yoga teacher training within 3 months of starting a practice. I quit my job, met the greatest friends I could ever ask for & began unfolding into the woman I had envisioned



Embarking on this path lead to me to follow my intuition at a time in my life when my negative self talk and perpetual self doubt clouded my truth and stifled my potential. I began to grow into my Divinity, I let go of the fear of making mistakes and living my life to please others, each step I took on this path was like I was taking step into the arms of a loving mother. A place where I could feel safe and taken care of, where I could surrender into the knowing that I was exactly where I needed to be ☀



Seven years later, I am just beginning. What lies before me is boundless, what lies within me is infinite. In every moment, I recommit to living life with intention and in service for others through the grace of God. There wasn't a moment in particular when yoga necessarily saved my life, it just granted me a life I never thought was possible 🙏❤


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