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I'm Amanda @saveserenity & this is my #yogasavedmylife story ๐Ÿ™

"I contracted Lyme Disease when I was 3 years old & it had a huge impact on my developing body. My mom taught me meditation to help cope with physical pain & fatigue as a young kid but that's really all I had to help me with doctors failing me at every turn


I went into a myxedema coma when I was 14 due to a severe thyroid disease & collapsed at school. From there I battled epilepsy, Lupus, severe arthritis, lesions on my brain, digestive diseases, fibromyalgia & more!


Later, I ended up living in bed after having my own kids. I couldn't take care of myself never mind them & mostly slept 20 hours a day between pain & autoimmune fatigue. My health issues were exacerbated after giving birth


I saw someone battling CF on IG & competing in bodybuilding and I got out of bed. I started with my breath & just standing. Each day I tried to add 30 seconds of standing with good posture & mindful breathing. I started @saveserenity because of the huge impact one @instagram post had on my life & know that maybe one day my post can help someone else too


Five years later, I may still be limited physically but I still feel so free. I practice art and indoor gardening, use yoga in my daily movement, I read and write and even hike with my kids. I have enough health to enjoy things & that's really something I never had before yoga & holistic healing


More than anything, I've learned more compassion and respect for others through enduring my own pain. Because of that, I wouldn't give a second of my journey up!"


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