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Meet Kristin @loma_life sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ๐Ÿ’š

"I had been to several yoga classes, but it wasn't until my son was experiencing seizures that it became a way of healing for our family. The doctor's prescription was yoga & meditation as the seizures were stress related. He has no idea the impact he had on our life. My son also has autism . "Six years ago there wasn't kids yoga classes in our community, at least not for those who process and learn differently. So, I jumped right into the deep end. I found information online about yoga training for children with autism & special needs. I am a fierce mama & my heart led me and I signed up to train to teach . It was during training that I began to take ownership of all these feelings breaking me down & making me feel unworthy, confronting the pain I had been carrying my whole life. Unprocessed sexual & emotional trauma manifest in illness in my body. Shame. Fear. Brokenness. Fragility . Shortly after training I was diagnosed with Ehler's Danlos Syndrome & Ankylosing Spondylitis: meaning my joints dislocate & fall apart, while my spine is fusing. I had dealt with chronic pain since childhood, my body was unwell & not allowing me to function . 28 surgeries, numerous other autoimmune disorders, CSF leaks, & procedure after treatment ...but I am still standing. I am still teaching others how to be present in their own bodies. How to move through pain & suffering instead of moving away from it . Learning to connect to others instead of isolate, has been my greatest gift. I am no longer a prisoner in my own body. I am healing and connecting to the parts of my body that are asking for help . Yoga saved my life. It changed the way I show up in the world & taught me to be with what is. Yoga offered me the opportunity to sing my heart song ๐Ÿ’š .


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