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"Overworked, unhealthy, unbalanced and stressed. Then I found yoga"

Meet Maike sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚



"Before I found yoga I was an event manager for mainly sport focused

brands in Berlin. It was busy, stressful and I was unbalanced. I used to drink, smoke & stay up late basically every night to the point that I was pretty unhealthy & exhausted ... & then, a few years ago I started my yoga practice, mainly to just do something differently, because whatever I was doing was keeping me afloat in life, but not making me happy


It took a while for me to stop powering through the classes trying to 'nail' the postures & begin to understand that the actual work starts in the mind: the difficult work that we often try to avoid by focusing on the physical side of things


After the practice sunk in and got to deeper levels I was ready to go all in and change my career, my life. I did my teacher training in Germany to deepen my practice and by the time I was done, I knew, I had to share what I had learned so



Yoga made me feel centered & happy! And not because of something special, no, just being in my body & enjoying the movements! It was new to me


From there, I started teaching yoga. First in Berlin & then Cambodia, Thailand & Spain; all the way to California


Today I am a Lifestyle Coach - combining my passion of movement and a healthy body and mind. I am a health coach, personal trainer, yoga teacher and meditation coach



All together I design wellness and health approaches for individuals and groups to support a healthy, sustainable and

authentic lifestyle that is sustainable. And in this process I learn & grow every day




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