Meet @sarahyogiiiini
Sharing her #yogasavedmylife
Story with us ❤
"My name is Sarah. I live in Austria, a sociology student & I teach Ashtanga vinyasa yoga
I started to practice Yoga about 4,5 years ago. My first yoga lesson was Hatha Yoga & the most important lesson I learned there was how to let go. Yoga helped me to let go and release the things that do not serve me; to let go of people who let me down, who bring me negative energy or who are always unreliable & also to let go of relationships that no longer bring happiness into my life
It was a big process to do this and not always easy but in doing so it enabled me to be around the kind of people who help you grow. And it also meant I could create the circumstances myself that would attract positive energy & abundance into my life - and that includes a life where I could attract & meet the person who really accepts me and who gives me love and respect me
It allowed me to create and attract the person, people and situations where I know everything will be alright, no matter what. What will be will be. But yoga has taught me that in radiating positivity I will attract that positive energy back. And yoga has taught me to believe in Karma: that everything we give it will be returned
I want to give back to the world what yoga has given me. And so, in 2016 I did my #yogateachertraining in Thailand with @allyogatraining , it was one of the best times in my life, where I learned so much from my teachers Vari & Marcela - I am truly grateful to them, to @varimoralesyoga for showing me that on & off my mat, breathe is everything.
I can say that yoga has given me so much in life, and also saved my life: because - and this isn't easy for me to say in English - we have weird thoughts; our minds are complicated; our thinking can overwhelm us - but my yoga practice helps me so much to calm my mind like nothing else
I LOVE my practice so much❤
