Meet @cathuyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"I first started practising yoga in the beginning of my twenties because I was looking for a way to stretch my muscles before and after running
Little did I know that years later I would go to India and become a 200h Hatha Yoga Teacher and teach yoga. I never intended to become a teacher of any kind but here I am today sharing my yoga journey and how a simple stretch turned into a lifestyle
In the beginning I only practised the asanas but I soon realised that I was “craving” my stretch sessions even when I had not been running. As the mindfulness movement started spreading like a wildfire a lot of western research on the topic of meditation came my way & I became interested in learning how to meditate
I set my goal low and promised myself to practise meditation 5 min. a day. After two weeks something extraordinary happened. I realised that I was no longer manically checking my bed sheets for unwelcome spiders before bed time. I had suffered from arachnophobia my entire adult life (not really understanding why) but without even “working” on it during meditation I accidently had found the root of my phobia: fear of loss of control
If 5 min. could do that I can only imagine what truly entering the meditative state can do for me
After years of trying to grasp the difference between the types of yoga “ the philosophy behind it, I decided to plunge into a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course in my beloved Kerala, India. The 28 days I spent practising 12 hours a day did not give me all that yoga entails but it gave me the confidence to explore myself & live in the moment
It feels like my journey has just begun and ahead of me are infinite opportunities but yoga grounds me and assures me that right now is all that matters
I hope my story inspires others to try out any aspect of yoga: asanas, pranyama, meditation or yamas/niyamas
If you have a body then you can practise yoga 💚
