"I struggled with an eating disorder that spanned over 15 years" . Meet Chrissie Ortiz, sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤ . "I used to think yoga was just for tall, thin people.. unfortunately our society and much of social media is guilty of flooding our minds and newsfeeds with thin, beautiful yoga girls doing intricate asanas, with the grace of a gazelle . I had such a deep dislike for my body. I did everything from starving it, over-exercising it, etc . I never once thought about how wonderful my body could be if I just allowed myself to appreciate the unique things about it, instead of wishing for all the things it wasn't . Yoga has taught me to appreciate my body and all the incredible things it is capable of ❤ . To love my body in ways I could never imagine; In a way that years of cardio, and weight training never could . Yoga has taught me to look within, when I feel without . To rely on my body and to listen to what it needs to feel good . It has taught me how strong, mentally, physically, and emotionally I really am . That regardless of my body shape, I can move in ways I never thought possible for me . That regardless of my mental/emotional state, I am always in control . That no matter what is going on around me, I always have myself 💜 . Yoga saved my life ✨
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