"I have never known what it is like to move with an able body"
Meet @healinggroundmovement sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"At 7 months old, I contracted bacterial meningitis. The wide-spread inflammation that attacked my body left lasting damage in the areas of my brain meant to control movement & coordination. I couldn’t walk in a straight line or stand on one leg without toppling over
Most frustrating of all, is that I had an elusive symptom, commonly described as ‘brain fatigue.’ How well I moved depended on how rested my brain felt. So in one moment I could be shooting free throws with ease; in the next it felt like the bottom fell out & I couldn’t control where I wanted the ball to go
My heart & soul ached to move, but I shied away from a body that felt undependable
When I was 10 years old I took my first yoga class. I can still remember how I clung to a wall for balance in a low lunge. But more than that, I remember the constant, gentle suggestion from the teacher to keep my eyes on my own mat. She urged us to listen to our bodies & know that we are not meant to compete with our neighbors. Instead, be curious about who we are each time we come to the mat. I felt I’d finally found a place where I could stay open to the possibility of pushing my own limits in a way that felt safe to me
Yoga became & has been the corner-stone of my health & wellness for nearly 25 years. It allowed me to be curious about my body, to strengthen & heal. My physical practice has helped me to connect with my center & apply countless hours of rehab into a sustaining, physical experience
My health remains an ever moving target, but as a doctor, I now appreciate that this is true for everyone
Each time I step on the mat, I am grateful for where it has brought me. While I no longer use props for balance; inversion poses like bakasana/crow remain out of reach. I remind my patients - more often, myself - that we can only mark success against our own experiences
I am grateful for the patience and persistence my yoga practice has given me 🙏