Meet @katie_eats_apples sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"My yoga journey started about 5 years ago. I had struggled with many things In my life: but balance & self image issues seemed to take the cake
I was about 40 pounds overweight & couldn’t touch my toes. The weight gain made me want to hibernate & hide from the world, which in turn caused my anxiety to spiral. I hated the idea of a gym or any kind of cardio, & thought yoga seemed simple enough, I might as well try it
Honestly, I started yoga as a way to lose weight & gain flexibility- that was it. I began with ten minute YouTube videos & eventually progressed into doing my own self led practices. Overtime it became an everyday ritual, & any day I didn’t practice, my body & mind paid for it
Yoga for me started with the goal of having physical & external changes, but it transformed me just as much (if not more) mentally, spiritually, & emotionally as physically
After 5 years the love for myself & my yoga practice has grown immensely- so much in fact I decided to take my practice to an even deeper level & become an RYT200 teacher, & I graduate this August
I’m so incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to take time to move, breathe, & be still, and I hope to now take all that I’ve learned to help anyone that feels the way I did five years ago: because everyone is deserving of self-love & feeling self-worth
Practicing Yoga has taught me that even though our lives and thoughts can spiral out of control, we can always come back to this moment in front of us: Be here, now & breathe & be grateful for it
Yoga saved me & helped pull me from such a dark place in my life. I just want to be able to share that with others that need it" 💕