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"It wasn’t too long ago where i was prescribed anti-depressants"

Meet Abby Gail @tiuayhud sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚



"I had a consultation with a doctor i had not previously met before - I told her how I was feeling and after minimal consultation I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and left with a bottle of pills in my hand


I felt uneasy. Although I know that what I was feeling at the time was true and that I was in a lot of pain, I decided to try more natural remedies first


I have found that yoga speaks to me in so many more ways than I could have ever imagined


Throughout my personal journey (and I insist that this is not the case for everyone), I believe that yoga and physical activity has helped me find more strength and happiness than any bottle of pills ever could


I like to share this story with other women to encourage them to listen to your body, trust your instincts. Don’t be ashamed of how you’re feeling - once you figure that out, it feels damn good 💚"


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