"It’s been just over one year since I became unstuck: The moment I sat at my desk & realised my path was going to change. I was tired, stressed & anxious, working in fashion in a job obsessed with consumerism & focused on money. I gave it up to become a yoga teacher
I couldn’t see how my job was benefitting anybody apart from making the person who was buying the product happy in the short term: while making the fat cats richer. The more senior I became the less creative the work became
Every moment of the day I thought about practicing yoga, I couldn’t wait to get on my mat again as soon as the day was over
Reading the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Mala, Big Magic, Eastern Body, Western Mind, & Women Who Run With Wolves, before & after work, at lunch, before bed.... I needed & wanted to learn more, to discover more, & expect less. I knew I needed to dedicate my life to helping others feel & connect in the same way that I was experiencing.
I loved my old job, I still dabble in and out of it, it will forever be with me it’s part of me & I love creating, I loved the people I worked with, & the ability to create was so beautiful...but I found my true dharma. And teaching yoga allows me to be express my creativity: drawing, creating flows ....but putting it towards a better cause
I am so overwhelmed with happiness every single day as I see other people’s yoga paths unfold. I see a little bit of me in every single one of them, from the person who steps onto the mat for the first time where downward facing dog is possibly the most excruciating pose in the universe, to the person discovering an inversion, the rhythm of ujjayi breath, or when you realise that you need a little help from props for the first time to fully experience the pose ... & that’s ok
This beautiful practice has changed my life, & I am eternally grateful for my teachers who showed me the way. I'm eternally grateful for those who join me to practice, you are also my teachers... I can’t wait to see your journeys unfold
