"I healed from significant trauma and overcame obstacles through yoga. I found myself through yoga. And I will carry this practice with me forever
I am highly spiritual. I am a sensitive empath. And I feel emotions deeply. I have also have had anxiety throughout my life
I grew up in an urban community where alcohol and partying came far before talks of wellness or mindfulness. I didn’t know how to deal with my anxiety or emotions growing up and I felt “different”, disconnected and not understood. I was in pain and I was screaming for… something
. I remember the teacher in my 5th yoga class ever, speaking about “letting life by messy”, making the practice your own, and loving yourself through it all
I felt incredible relief and gratitude, for the first time ever and I was hooked
. Yoga showed me that everything that I yearned for was within myself. It showed me that I was whole
It gave me courage to make dramatic shifts in my life, to make my journey my own and to trust my intuition
Yoga taught me concepts about life and mindfulness that I had never heard of before in my life. I couldn’t believe that in my mid 20s, I was only just learning these life concepts, that I, until this time, had no idea existed. They were entirely foreign to me, and they were my savior
I immersed myself into an incredible yoga community where I felt understood and I began to go deep inside my Self, with an insatiable appetite for soaking up this knowledge. I started going to classes daily, attended workshops, bought countless books and journaled. Through yoga, I began to find peace
My life has been transformed: I left my corporate career of 7 years, completed my yoga teacher training, started teaching yoga, started my own business and my own blog 💚 Rachel"