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Meet Krystle @krystlemeijer sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ๐Ÿ’š

"Three years ago my body crashed. After a long journey to see a specialist, & a 2 year process, I was finally diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome" . "EDS is a connective tissue disorder (in my case causing me to suffer with musculoskeletal, joint pain, muscle cramps, soft tissue injuries like strains, sprains tendonitis, subluxation) The syndrome means the ligaments are too loose & therefore cannot do their job - & so the muscles are forced to do more of the work than they are meant to, so they become strained . . Doctors told me, there is no cure & no medicine could help me. They also told me that yoga was an absolute no go, because the stretching would be bad for my ligaments. For a while I took them at their word & believed what they told me . . Then I lost my job & nobody - including me - could tell me what work my body could or couldn't handle. I slipped into a downward spiral of stress & anxiety that led to severe depression . . Then one day I read a story about a girl with the same condition as me, & how by introducing yoga into her life she essentially got her life back. Thats when I decided, that I had to give it a try . . First things first, I started with meditation & breathing techniques to calm my mind & get rid of the stress etc . Then slowly I introduced asanas into my practice. In the beginning my muscles were protesting, they felt so tight, although my joints are quite mobile, my muscles had tightened over the years. I started carefully, but somehow after every workout I felt better . . Each day I do a little bit more, and somedays I just keep it with my five minute yoga rule . . The transformation has been incredible. Yoga has saved my life. Yoga has giving me a new me, a stronger, happy and more peacefull me. It also made me realise that yoga is my future . . At the end of this year Iโ€™m going to Thailand for my yoga teacher training. So a new chapter will begin. Even though my body is in pain, I surround my disorder with so much love, because it gives me more (self)love then Iโ€™ve ever felt before . . And all because of yoga ๐Ÿ™ . Krystle โค


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