"When I was almost 12, from one day to another, my life changed. I was a super spoiled child, covered in love from my granny and my mum
Then my Grandmother suffered with un-diagnosed pneumonia and consequently became paralysed from the belly down
The first recovery lasted 2 years. I was alone and pretty lost. She lost her freedom, she was completely dependent upon my mum and me. I'd often find her on the floor, crying, still a small child, I would have to use a belt, help her to lift up
That’s the main reason why I got so many problems with my neck (one hernia that compromised the marrow). A dead weight body is so much heavier than a healthy one
When I’ve started practicing yoga I was feeling so bad because I hadn’t a perfect body. Now I think that if I am who I am is because of my past
And I am grateful for it 🙏 Yoga saved my life