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Meet @sarahmatchenyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤

"As far back as I can remember, I strived for perfection & built my identity around achievements. In my 20's, the constant worrying, over-thinking, and rigidness began to manifest as chronic anxiety & panic attacks

I had practiced yoga on and off since my teens, but anxiety is what eventually brought me to a disciplined study and practice of yoga, and for that I am eternally grateful. My mat became my sanctuary. Through yoga, as well as meditation and acupuncture, I began to learn that if I slowed down, released control and let myself feel, the anxiety would have space to reveal its impermanence, moving and shifting on its own



I have come to hold a deep reverence for breathing, relaxing and resting. For me, yoga is a time to turn inward. A time of quiet, of remembering the goodness and wholeness that already exists within. Stillness and slow intentional movement teach me how to listen to my body’s wisdom and honor the reality of each moment



There are still times when I struggle with anxiety, but I am now at a place where I can look upon it with compassion and do my best to respond to what my body is asking for rather than lose myself in the fear and overwhelm



If you are struggling, if you feel lost, if you feel broken, this is my message to you: Be kind to your weary heart. Be patient with your journey. Know that you are enough. Breathe deeply. Relax the body, and the mind will respond in turn, creating space for the light of the soul to shine through ☀ .


And you, my friend, are meant to shine SO bright ❤ Sarah 🙏


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