"When I started practicing yoga 10 years ago, Yoga really did save my life. My practice helped me gain the courage to quit my job, leave my ex, quit doing drugs, and eventually complete my teacher training"
About a month ago I moved to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I have been raising money for my nonprofit (www.cacprinc.org) for over a year & I moved here to get the project started. Over the past month, I have a had a really tough time adjusting
After struggling with depression throughout my childhood, yoga was my cure. I thought I would never feel depression again - as it has been over 10 years! This past month has really taken the rug out from under me. Even though I have been rigorously keeping up with my yoga practice, I still feel like I am under a dark cloud. This journey has really taught me how much I depend on my practice
I have learned to persevere & get to my mat even when it seems too difficult to go on. My physical practice still continues to evolve, & yet the part that has been helping me most through this time has been reading yoga philosophy & mindfulness books & meditation, as well as finding a yoga community here. Things are starting to brighten up. Over the past couple of weeks, I have made some incredible new friends at class and even tried (and loved!) Acro Yoga
I have found my way to this amazing group of yogis that practice on the beach or on rooftops & met the most incredible teachers. I am finally starting my own classes on the beach with the help of this grassroots yoga community
I realize how much I rely on my yoga practice in times of stress and I do not know where I would be without it. For me, yoga has been a continuously evolving journey. The longer I practice, the more I realize how much of life is shaped around it - physically, emotionally, mentally & socially. When times are tough, yoga is my coping mechanism, which is a long way from the drugs or suicidal tendencies of my past. Teaching yoga is one of the greatest joys of my life and I am so excited to be finally settling in here 💚