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"I spent many years being totally devoted to using drugs & all the crazy behaviors that go with it

Meet the truly inspirational @taylorhuntyoga founder @trinifoundation bringing yoga to those fighting addiction. We've hooked up with them to help them reach their goal of doubling the number of yoga tuition scholarships they can offer in 2019 by highlighting their work with a series of #yogasavedmylife stories featuring their clients. This is Taylor's story 💚



"There was a time when I was ashamed of my story. I didn’t share it with others outside of the recovery community because I didn’t believe my past fit the mold of who a yoga teacher is supposed to be. What would others in the yoga community think of me if they knew that I struggled with alcoholism & drug addiction for a decade?



I was a tornado when using: emotional & brash mixed with anger. I exploded out of nowhere. The only time I had peace is when I did my daily drug run. I was so addicted I sold my material stuff & my dignity. I ran up my credit cards since I was unemployed & unemployable. I looked like a zombie: track marks on my arms fiending for the next fix. It was a sad time. I was constantly depressed but knew that I was to do something else .


That something else was yoga. I made it to a place in my life where I didn’t want to live the way I was living but I was really scared. I knew that I would basically have to change everything in my life



I was working on my sobriety when I was introduced to yoga & am forever grateful. I don’t know if I'd be sober if I hadn’t found yoga & been pressured by a persistent yogi friend. It has been one of the most powerful tools to help me clean up my life. Every day I give thanks & humbly get on my knees asking for a day of sobriety & for me to get in alignment with what my higher power has in store. I have devoted my entire life to being sober & also to staying connected to my path & my faith



I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for this gift & the more I give to it the more I get back. My whole aim is to help other people be better whether that’s with getting sober or just being the best version of ourselves"


📷 @ifilmyoga


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