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Meet Cat @purecatyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"A combination of child sexual abuse, rape, familial & societal conditioning meant I never truly loved myself or felt good enough

I accepted those beliefs, creating a deeply subconscious thought pattern that created my whole reality. It resulted in numerous failed career paths & relationships where I didn’t see my value, set loving or appropriate boundaries, & ended up feeling worse about myself each time


This was my frame of mind for a long time. It plunged me deeper into meaningless casual encounters with drugs, sex, & all the trappings of this 3D Matrix (physical - material world) that expand the void of meaninglessness


It wasn’t until I found Yoga that I found a space of sanctum and sanity within the 4 corners of my mat


I learned how to breathe into my presence, to become self-aware, to move & release those burdensome emotional traumas and false beliefs, what I like to call the “issues in the tissues.” I learned how to listen to my heart & trust my inner knowing


I built an awareness around the deep well of subconscious thoughts that created my personality, thereby my “personal reality.” .

I learned that I adopted most of those thoughts from others and that I never really believed them in the first place. I learned that I have the power & the responsibility to find them, to disown, uproot & change them. I learned the power of intention to recreate myself. I learned that intention is the most powerful tool we have, & that setting intentions backed by our thoughts, feelings, energy, and faith have the power to create our reality. Because I learned this & began the discipline of living it daily, I ignited the process of transforming every aspect of my Being, which has rippled into every aspect of my life


Yoga is the discipline of learning that it is safe to go deeper within. I believe we are all divine Beings with a divine purpose, and discovering that purpose to bring it into the world with our whole heart is what truly satisfies the soul, what gives meaning to life"

Cat 💚


. 📷 @laurenophoto


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