"About 2.5 years ago, I was overtaken with crippling anxiety. It was a culmination of many huge life changes that happened in a 6 month period, and then just one trigger sent me over the top. I was suddenly not able to function
I couldn’t leave my house. I was taking Xanax 3 times a day and was still having panic attacks. I was contemplating suicide. It was the darkest period of my life
For some reason, I felt called to take a yoga class, even though I had never liked yoga. At the end of that class, I was crying in savasana because I felt a glimpse of relief, felt my true self shine through for a moment. It was liberating
I have been practicing yoga and meditation regularly ever since, and I have so much gratitude for the practice because it has completely transformed my mind and body. I am more confident, positive, and compassionate
I still have anxiety, but it does not define me anymore. I now love and exemplify my authentic self instead of running from it. And I am so glad to be alive. Yoga truly saved my life, and I hope to help others find the same solace I have found in their own practice! 📷"