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Meet @lianpinkyogini sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us ๐Ÿ’š

"Four years ago I made the decision to leave my marketing job. It actually wasn't to do yoga. I didn't have a psychiatrist who respected me, & I wasn't confident enough to listen to my intuition. So I stayed with his medication change which had me feeling pretty bad. So about 2 or so weeks later, I'm depressed, non functioning, bed ridden

Once again, depressed & unemployed, but that time off is what I need to recover. In December that year I finally decided that it was time to do the thing I've been thinking about doing for a couple of years: TEACH YOGA


The rest is history! (minus a couple large life events in between but that's a whole other can of worms)


I'm grateful for where I've been able to take my journey. The bottom line is that no matter what: YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR STORY


It may take a long time to manifest your goals, but if you stay with it, the universe will guide you by there. It doesn't mean the path is straight or easy. But what is? ๐Ÿ™ One hard & depressing life decision could lead to many more opportunities!


Trust that you can rise again. Trust you are so strong & brave. Let your light guide the way


Unfortunately, there is no easy answer in life. I know because I've searched for this easy thing that was going to transform my life into a cake walk. ๐Ÿฐ And can you believe it? No such thing exists!


But! I've learned to trust the tools I have: body, breath, & mind to support me on my journey. Yoga has taught me so much: how to observe with breath & focus, to find clarity of thought, body, action; to hold ground in the face of obstacles


Is yoga easy? Absolutely not.ย For me, the practice of yoga is a microcosm for the practice of life. When we are flowing on the mat, if we are distracted and short of breath, we fall out of balance & forget why we were there to begin with. Yoga reminds us to stay focused, & when we do, even if the asana is difficult, we can overcome & transcend it because all things are temporal. Each moment an opportunity to connect with your brave & courageous light & know that you are so incredibly strong๐Ÿ™ .




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