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Meet Lindsey @beastmodereflections sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words💚

"I found yoga during recovery from an eating disorder & exercise addiction that has plagued me for most of my life" . . "For the first time in my life, I have found a space to connect my mind, body, and spirit. While I am on my yoga mat, nothing but peace is present- a welcome break from the mental demons I battle daily . Yoga has showed me that I can connect to God on my mat and truly feel myself as fearfully and wonderfully made. My practice has also given me an amazing community of yogi friends who have changed my life for the better 🙏 . A while back, a wise yogi goddess, @lindafenelon, taught me that my yoga mat is a mirror to my life. I’m not gonna lie, that sounded a bit crazy to me at first. But the longer I’m on this journey called life, and in the yoga practice that God gifted me with, the more I see that to be true . 🌻Yoga helped me find my voice. A voice that had been silenced by an eating disorder, anxiety, & perfectionism for more of my life than not . Finding my voice has allowed me to speak my truth; my satya. It is not always well-received. It is not always politically correct. It does not always fall in line passively with the other voices who are silent. Sometimes it labels me- too much, not enough, too bold, too reactive, not able, not willing . 🌻 I’ll be the first to admit, I can be stubborn and defiant. But I also love the people and things on my life with my whole heart. I am sensitive and caring. I don’t do anything less than 100%. I am a fighter, a survivor, a warrior, an advocate, and fiercely loyal . . 🌻 I make no apologies for my truths. So much of my life had been spent trying to find my voice, and I will not silence it just to make others comfortable. I require no validation, no approval, no recognition. 🌻 I am a strong woman and I am proud God made me this way. 🙏Yoga helps me to keep fighting for freedom and truth, even during my darkest times. My practice saved my life, and continues to do so" . Lindsey ❤ .


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