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Meet RYT500 & meditation teacher @puravijoshi sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us.

"Two Years old boss of mine told me I wasn’t allowed to walk across the trading floor because I was a distraction to men as well as some other things...

2 years ago today, Friday, two men and a woman forced me to quit my job and threatened that they would make sure I would never work in the city again


2 years ago next Monday I walked out of my office, had my first panic attack and walked straight into my solicitors office.

2 years ago this April I got justice


2 years later I’m still traumatised by the experience


Today I change that narrative and thank all 4 people involved for being pivotal in my career change and for letting me help literally hundreds of other people deal with stress and anxiety through yoga and mindfulness 💫✌🏽


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