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Meet Sarah @wildflowerdarlingg sharing her story as part of a series from @trinifoundation

"My days before sobriety are a blur. Always moving, trying to make it through the day for the night. To my next beer, to my next happy hour, to the next moment when I could “relax”. Using legal and illegal substances to reward myself- to soothe, comfort, numb out every feeling. I tried to shut out everything"


Meet Sarah @wildflowerdarlingg sharing her #yogasavedmylife story as part of a series of stories highlighting the inspirational work of @trinifoundation bringing yoga & tuition scholarships to those fighting addiction. These are Sarah's words💚


. "While I had done yoga for years, I had never created that mind/body connection before Ashtanga. I had never considered yoga as a tool... for me it was just a workout


Maybe that’s why I ran from It for so long, and probably why I was so resistant to try my first Ashtanga class. But that hostility ended up being exactly WHY I needed to be there. I slowly started to soften. Open up. Crack. It was terrifying. Everything that was no longer serving me was being pushed to the surface


Things that I had buried deep within. I couldn’t run anymore. Slowly, very slowly, yoga has created a grounding that I’ve never experienced. It pushes me to expand my comfort zone. It shows me that I AM worth it. I am strong, resilient, powerful. Everything I thought I would never be


Each day that I practice, I become more vulnerable and become a little more me. Without a doubt, yoga saved my life. ✨✨"



Help write more stories like this! Check out the @trinifoundation tuition scholarship program on #givingtuesday (link also in our bio) 🙏🏽


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