Meet actor, producer, yogini Ruby @whatsgoldin sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words
"Depression runs in the family, unfortunately
I was in denial for most of my life
I tried therapy once, couldn't stand it
Didn't want to be on medication
But I was deeply unhappy. I knew I needed to do something about it. And that's where yoga came in 🙏
It didn't work right away. It took some time. I didn't know it was really saving me. But one day, after practicing consistently for months, I decided I needed to go to India. Alone
It was the most life-changing thing I have ever done
That trip showed me that where I was, my life as it was, didn't have to be it. My life could be so much more. It gave me the courage to move across the country, a move I had been wanting to make for years but was too scared to do
This move taught me to let go of things and people that do not serve me. It taught me that I do not need to hold onto negativity
I still practice yoga daily and am now also a 500-hr certified teacher
I return to my mat constantly
I cry on it
I let things go on the mat
I let negative narratives die there
I am reborn on my mat
Time & time again
I don't where I would be if I hadn't taken that first class. Yoga is so much more than just a class or a movement. It is a deep meditation and it is also a community. A union 🙏
Ruby ❤"
