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"I found yoga when my best friend of 30 years took her life in November 2016"

Meet our dear friend @yogi.alinfini2.0 sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us on #worldsuicidepreventionday



"My friend was the one person who reminded me the most of myself.  She was the one person I knew I could turn to no matter what was happening in my life & without judgement



Just like her, I've struggled with depression, anxiety & self-doubt.  I also struggled with the fact that I was not there for my friend. It scared me, being left behind, thinking of what she must have been going through. I was terrified, I felt I was in that same place many times & not sure if I had the strength to make it through another day. Whatever we do friends #letstalk



I have a great husband & two wonderful children but I have always wrestled with a sadness I can’t wrap my head around



By May of 2017, I knew I had to do something to get out of the mental place I was stuck in


I'm not sure what led me to that first yoga video, but I started on youtube, looking for a way to help with anxiety. I ended up finding a 30-day yoga challenge & something inside told me to try it for just one day.  After the first day, I went back, did it again, & again. It saved me. I haven’t stopped practicing since 🙏



I can do things now I never thought I could.  I feel better than ever.  I am not afraid to fail because it pushes me to work harder.  My yoga journey is just beginning but I have no intention of stopping because I can’t wait to get to the next destination



(Picture 2) on my wrist is a semicolon tattoo & three birds honouring my friend & @projsemicolon : a movement that represents hope & love to those who are struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts, addiction & self-injury



A semicolon separates two thoughts but indicates they share something in common, & it also continues a sentence, instead of ending it. The birds represent each decade of friendship ❤



Holly Kohler said, 'A person never truly gets ‘over’ a suicide loss. You get through it. Day by day. Sometimes it’s moment by moment.'


Yoga saved my life, & continues to save it every single day. Namaste, Laura ❤


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