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Meet Angelica @curvychickyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words

"If I wasn't contemplating suicide, then I was either crying or angry at myself & the individuals around me"



Meet Angelica @curvychickyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words



"My life was out of control! My anxiety was high & I found myself in a pit of depression, confusion, & anger. I was at a crossroads, where I had to make a choice....the options were few & it wouldn't be easy, but I asked myself if I wanted to live & to try & rebuild myself & heal my heart or if it was my time to leave this earth & take my own life. It's hard to put into words, but I was drowning in sorrow, regret, pain, loneliness, fear, & anger


In 2013, I recall meditating, journaling, PRAYING for something to preoccupy my mind & help me with the daily stress of life. I remember God guiding me to take midday walks & one day while on a walk, I came across this yoga studio🙏


I had never practiced yoga nor did anyone around me practice yoga, but I was willing to try anything to help with my emotional chaos & the continuous scenarios which played in my head. That was the beginning of my journey as a yoga student & for the next five years I would continuously practice and grow on and off my mat


At this time, I didn't know yoga would save me or help me see the world in this complex, amazing, beauty filled way. Yoga teaches me how to breathe through the difficult times, reminds me to surrender, forgive, & encourages me to accept change. Yoga has helped me develop my breath & opened my mind to another understanding of the world around me


I am now a yoga teacher, proud to say a curvy yoga instructor, passionate about helping anyone struggling with mental illness & an advocate for Mental Health Awareness 💚 Angelica"




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