"Born in a tiny town in Montana, my childhood was idyllic, but I was haunted by demons at a young age. I developed acute Anorexia Nervosa at 15 out of school due to the illness & almost lost my life. Thanks to time, patience, lots of love, I recovered & finished high school
During high school, I had the opportunity to study abroad in China & travel in Asia. I fell in love with the culture. To further my studies, I attended an Ivy League College & studied Religion with a concentration in Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, learning more about Yogic Philosophy. Everything looked perfect on paper, the problem was on the inside. I couldnโt navigate my internal landscape & figure out how to feel comfortable in my skin
In college I began binge drinking & continued to battle eating disorders. I ended up in rehab & things looked better, but they didnโt feel better. My recovery wasnโt real. I went back & completed my degree at Penn & ended up pursuing what I perceived to be success based on social norms. I was good at it, I was โsuccessful.โ I had a corporate job & rose quickly through the ranks. But I wasnโt happy. I hid my true feelings. I manipulated my personality & compromised myself to please others. I was not listening to my body, heart, or soul. I got sick, again. My weight plummeted, my drinking progressed.. I couldnโt function
Behind closed doors I battled deep depression, social anxiety & suicidal idealizations. I finally decided to turn to what I love & always served me: YOGA
I can tell you that if I hadnโt made the decision to follow the path of yoga as a career & lifestyle I do not think I would be here today. I now share my love for yoga by teaching, running workshops, volunteering at local schools & community groups, and on a path to assist with yoga teacher trainings
Through my efforts to follow the 8 Limbs of Yoga & tune in to my desires & needs, I have been able to transform my mental, physical, emotional & spiritual self to reach a level where I feel more comfortable in my skin than I ever have. The masks are off and the freedom feels oh so good ๐
Maureen ๐"