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Meet Ryan @rypeace Sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤

"Mental health is one of those things everyone talks about but very rarely does anyone ever actually SAY anything.. its so stigmatized that those of us who suffer are terrified of being judged, labeled, poked, prodded

Not many know this: from the ages of 9 to 22 I thought about suicide every single day of my life

Every. single. day



I even tried it a few times: luckily, I failed


By the time I was 21 I was so sick of medications that made me feel worse & equally sick of feeling like I didn’t belong I dug really deep to find some semblance of inner peace. That’s how I found my yoga practice. Yoga helped quiet the thoughts that didn’t serve me & prevented me from living a fulfilled life



Meditation, yoga & a really great therapist.. saved my life.

When I got depressed about a year after having Elliott I froze in complete & utter fear. I was afraid to leave the house. The world can be a cruel place when you’re “in it.” I gained 40 lbs last year trying to protect myself from the depths of depression: because even with a diverse mindfulness practice, if you have chronic depression, it will find a way to get you. It will find a way to isolate you. It will find a way to trick you into thinking you shouldn’t be here anymore



I have so many tools, and most importantly a supporting and lovely partner who gets it — most importantly he encourages me to talk to the right people so I can keep “my darkness” in perspective & balanced



I can't say that easy or that I'm now miraculously cured (I'm not). But I can say that it's been a long time since the suicidal thoughts plagued my mind & I'm grateful for that 🙏



It's hard to stay in the middle, an observer of your thoughts rather than a participant. And that's where yoga can help. But we also need help from others. If you feel that way, reach out, to friends, family , helplines (1-800273875 USA) (UK @samaritanscharity ) . And if you suspect someone feels that way. TALK. 🙏❤

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