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Meet @shannonliebelyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"Open heart surgery is extremely painful, having your chest cracked open deeply traumatic"


"I took my first yoga class in 2005 the day after my grandpa died. He was my world & I wasn’t sure how to handle his death; I'd heard yoga was good for clearing the mind, so I went hoping it would give me a little peace. I didn’t know it then, but, Yoga saved my life 🙏


It sparked something inside & I continued to dabble in yoga for the next few years


I also found that running races was a meditative experience, however, I'd been diagnosed with a heart disorder as a child & in 2010 my cardiologist informed me that my heart wouldn’t be able to withstand much more than 5k, & eventually I would probably require surgery


I immersed myself in my yoga practice: my heart would be able to handle it & it was healing my soul in ways I wasn’t even aware of. Then I found a little obstacle race called SPARTAN. They had short distances that I could run, but it was much more exciting because of the obstacles! So that was my life: yoga & spartan races. I received my RYT 200 in 2012 & opened my own studio 2016


In 2016 I registered for 9 obstacle races & after the 8th, I was coughing up blood.  Open heart surgery was scheduled for April, 2017


For those of you who haven’t been through it, it’s an experience & extremely painful after your chest has just been cracked open


I spent a week in hospital & used yoga during the entire process:  to calm my nerves leading up to surgery; I'd do short meditations in bed to try & ease the physical & emotional pain. I started with child’s pose on my living room floor when I returned home & too sick, in too much pain to move. 20 days post surgery, I was walking to my studio to teach my amazing students

I have completely healed from my surgery & again compete in Spartans. My recovery hasn’t been easy, but every step of the way, yoga helped me heal 🙏


My Grandpa was my favorite person on earth, & I'm brought to tears thinking that he led me to my yoga mat, his final gift to me. I want to share that gift with the world"




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