Meet Layla @la_vagabond_yogini sharing her #yogasavedmylife story. These are her words 💚
"I stumbled upon a power yoga VHS tape in a natural food store. At that time my family situation was pretty horrible & doing the yoga on that tape provided me with some sort of peace in a environment I felt so trapped in
Sadly soon after I had discovered yoga I found the escape of heavy drugs and alcohol
That was the start of a 17 year peek a boo game with yoga. I got into toxic relationships, struggled with eating disorders, fell in love with almost every drug under the sun, and hated who I was. I would have moments of sobriety and yoga would come back to me only slip through my fingers. April 27th, 2018 I finally admitted I was powerless over drugs & alcohol & my life had become unmanageable
I promised myself to show on the mat everyday for my sanity and sobriety. The next day I met the right teacher at the right time changing the course of my life forever. I showed up at the shala everyday experiencing healing and a release I had never thought possible
Close to the end of my 30 days sober & 30 days of yoga my teacher asked me if I had done my YTT yet and said she had one coming up and offered me a scholarship
During that training I felt my body and mind change in a ways I never thought possible. The beginning of training was so hard I felt out of my body, I couldn’t find my voice and so much emotional pain started to surface. Half way through years of pain started pouring from my heart in the form of tears, I spend two days crying harder than I ever remember crying. A week later I admitted for the first time out loud that I was an addict releasing a weight that was killing me to continue to carry around
There aren't the words in the English language to express what yoga has become to me this time around. I sit here today loving myself for the very first time in my life. I owe my life to yoga and the teacher that gave me the space to get the healing I so needed. It is my life's mission to share that healing with as many people as I can 🙏 Layla "