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"Yoga found me over 5 years, in a state where I felt no longer alive nor dead"

Meet Tanjabell @healing.and.rebuilding sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤



"Having just built up the courage to walk away from a long term relationship, which turned abusive within the last few years, I felt alone, scared & filled with anxiety. I was in a very dark place, depressed, suffering from PTSD, ongoing night terrors, and on the verge of suicide. I couldn't talk to my family about it, or my friendsI felt alone, like nobody would understand



An old friend of mine introduced me to Yoga. I didn't think it would help, however it saved my life. It initially started as a very physical practice for me, before I delve into Meditation and Spirituality, which essentially was the reason I stopped drugs. During that time I became heavily reliant on anti-depresants and anti-anxiety medication, which I replaced with marujana, eventually leaving all of it behind and starting a new life



Yoga taught me that I am strong, it gave me freedom & it gave me my life back. Although I don't believe one can truly heal from such trauma, Yoga has allowed me to express myself through my writing, my art, through forgivness for myself and others. Forgivness doesn't mean to condone behaviours, it means to gather a deeper understanding of where they stem from, and let go



I went from wanting to die - because death was an easier option than to work on myself - yo where I am now: educating beautiful young souls in a Buddhist school, running the awareness program within my school, teaching Yoga and Meditation, writing my book about self healing, in a relationship filled with unconditional love and care with myself and the man of my dreams. Healthy, happy and alive ❤



Yoga is a blessing. It is so much more than pretty Asanas on a mat or a mountain top. It goes deeper than that, it is the path to the inner self, to healing, to freedom"


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