Meet Abigail @wellwithabigail
500hr RYT sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"Six years ago my life was forever changed. I lost the ability to walk. My balance became severely impaired and I suffered from nystagmus, a nasty shaking of the eyes that leads to constant vertigo. My driver’s license was revoked while I was still in the hospital and I was eventually sent home with a walker, unable to walk unassisted. It felt like so much was taken away from me, and at the same time I was flooded with gratitude to still be alive
While I certainly experienced discouragement, I let that gratitude fuel my recovery. While I’ve been practicing yoga for much of my adult life, I had no idea it would show up for me as a powerful tool in that recovery. I yearned to practice yoga again, so I began learning ways I could modify my practice. I used chairs and other props while working on strength and balance. I even used my walker as a yoga prop. I became aware of an entirely new perspective of what my yoga practice could look like
"Eventually, I re-learned how to walk, I got my driver’s license back, and I returned to a fully functioning life. I became a full time yoga teacher, to pay it forward and share this with others. I am dedicated to facilitating yoga experiences for others regardless of physical ability and LOVE teaching adaptive yoga classes locally
Yoga was an essential part of my recovery – it taught me the patience I needed to get through many difficult times. It created opportunities for my physical body to heal and my brain to forge new neuropathways. It reminded me to trust my body’s intuition and to show up every day even when I didn’t want to get out of bed
Most of all, yoga kept me in a place of gratitude – for this body and it’s amazing ability to heal, for all the caretakers who have been there for me, and for the richness and vividness of being alive right now 🙏"