“You have a growth in your brain.” Even the doctors didn’t want to say the C word. Brain cancer? A tumour? It all seemed so impossible. Just last week I was pregnant with our first child. Now, at 33 years-old, I’ve had a miscarriage & I have brain cancer? How can life go so wrong in 1 week?"
"Before diagnosis I loved & taught yoga. After surgery to remove the tumour, the trip to India to heal myself emotionally, the chemo, the radiation, & all the emotions my yoga knowledge turned into wisdom
Through the trauma that is Cancer I was able to rely on my yoga tools to help me through. My meditation cushion became my refuge, a place to feel & be present
Treatment was full of emotional ups and down. One minute pounding the bed, screaming in anger. The next moment my husband was holding me on the floor as I sobbed uncontrollably. Then, within minutes, we are both laughing. Yoga helped me stay present with the tornado of emotions, really feel them, & then let them pass. To know that the emotions were valid but they didn’t control me gave me peace
Learning how to balance between controlling things I could (tapas) & surrendering to the things I could not control (Ishvara Pranidhana) helped me go with the flow when I got bad news or another round of radiation
Yoga taught me that I am more than my labels. I am more than brain cancer & more than my inability to fulfill my lifelong dream of being a mother. I found the ability to move past these labels & know my truest self on the deeper level. Non-attachment to these labels allowed me to be ok with who I am in this moment & also that I will likely never be a mother
Most importantly, I learned that contentment, Santosha, is real! You can actually be content when the s*#t hits the fan! It amazed me that I glimpsed that contentment in the midst of the turmoil. This contentment is always with us, we just have to remember
Connection to this beautiful, precious moment, just as it is, brings us contentment 🙏
Christina 💚
. “By contentment supreme joy is gained.”- Yoga Sutras 2.4
