Recently, I learned that I have endometriosis and adenomyosis, a disabling gynecological disease"
"I started practicing yoga to get back in the moment. As a teenager, I was always in the past or the future. I discovered yoga with an association when it was not very well known
I loved this feeling of wholeness, of mental calm. I am naturally quite active, so for me yoga was a real gift to calm me down. In the meantime, I have changed my lifestyle, my diet, thanks to a lot of personal work and listening to my body. Recently, I learned that I have a disabling gynecological disease #endometriosis and #adenomyosis
My body gave up on me several times... but my mind always took over (sports activity taught me to go beyond my limits). This illness made me realize that life was very short (not knowing what I had, I imagined the worst). So I recently decided to do a training course to accompany all those who wish to (with a holistic vision) towards a better well-being. My goal is to bring this gift to other people, this wellness that I feel through the philosophy of Yoga
I know that I will be learning Yoga for the rest of my life and I am so happy that I have it. I will be operational from October-November and I cannot wait to practicing and share my calling with others"