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Meet @summerginther sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ๐Ÿ’š

"Yoga showed me that I am not my body. I am something so much more"


Meet @summerginther sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ๐Ÿ’š


."I remember being aware of my body at a really young age. My parents both struggled with their weight and negative self talk was common in my household. I went on my first diet when I was 10. When most kids didnโ€™t even know what a calorie was, I was tracking every one. I told myself at first it was just to be healthy. Once I was a healthy weight I would be happy. The more weight I lost, though, the more I hated how I looked



By high school it was a full on war with my body. My weight would fluctuate up or down 30 pounds within only a few month time period. I would restrict, binge, and purge. The cycle was continuous. I stopped going out to eat with friends,I was working out hours every day. Eating foods outside of my โ€œallotted caloriesโ€ put my in a spiral of anxiety. ย At first, I thought my eating disorder gave me a sense of power and control over my body. I soon realized that I wasnโ€™t actually in control at all


When I first went to yoga I saw it as another workout. I quickly learned that yoga was different. There was talk about observing our body without judgment, accepting our body for where it was that moment. I started focusing on what my body does for me versus how it looks. It was the first time I felt at peace with who I was. I gradually started to love myself more. I started to realize that I am so much more than this physical body. I didnโ€™t need to obsess over every single calorie or pound


Before yoga, I had lost all of my confidence. I didnโ€™t like anything about myself. I was scared to try new things or put myself out there. 2 years ago I flew to Costa Rica by myself to become a Certified Yoga Teacher, something I would have never have dreamed of doing


Yoga showed me how to love myself again. Yoga has helped me to be at peace with my body and no longer at war with food. I will forever be grateful for this practice and this community ๐Ÿ™


Summer "


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