"I've been sitting all day glued to my television watching the Kavanaugh hearings, upsetting to me, & I came home with all this nervous energy that I didn't know what to do with. First I did yoga. Then I sat down to write you my story
I had a yoga practice that consisted entirely of asana practice. Then a few years ago I dated a man for a few months who, when I tried to leave him, physically assaulted me
I filed five police reports as his behavior escalated to stalking. The following nine months of my life were nothing short of hell. When they finally caught him I pressed charges & testified, and he spent a few years in prison
During that time I found yoga. I took my yoga teacher training, and then two more, and found @Exhale2inhale, a non-profit that brings yoga to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. I continued to practice, volunteer teach, and heal. Now I take the yoga with me everywhere ๐ .
Lean extra hard on your loved ones if you need it today. If you want company over the next few days or want to honor survivors, join me and @exhale2inhale at our first #movementformeaning event of the year this Sunday @soulcycle Tribeca. Proceeds bring trauma-informed yoga to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault" .
Tara ๐
