"If I could help even just one soul heal in the way that yoga has helped me I would be overwhelmed with joy"

Meet @kayla_wholesomelife , Australian Yogini, Nurse & Holistic wellness coach, sharing her words & belief in the #yogasavedmylife story "This week I began my 200 hour YTT and boy was it incredible! I remember so clearly doing my first yoga class at the gym. My body was so tight and stiff, I couldn’t touch my toes if my life depended on it, I was shaking, the most ‘simple’ postures had sweat dripping off me and I absolutely hated every single moment on the mat. I loathed myself & the thought of spending an hour of self enquiry made me feel physically nauseous Fast forward a year later after a toxic relationship ended, I found myself on a mat again. Under the guidance of the incredible teachers at @essenceofliving My body was still filled with the pain, I was still stiff, my mind as toxic, yet something was different. I felt at home, at ease, like I was supposed to be here. Day after day I showed up, sometimes even twice a day: fascinated with how good I felt, how my body was changing, the mobility, the flexibility, the ability to feel calm even in the most difficult times . . I told myself that one day I hope to give to others the gift of yoga as it has been handed down to me. I dreamed of the day that I could stand up front & facilitate a healing class maybe say something that changes someone’s life for the better When I roll out my mat I know that whatever else is going on that I am now safe to heal, grow, evolve and just BE. As I take my first deep inhale that feeling of calm washes over me & for an hour or more nothing matters. I always leave with a heart full of love and gratitude and warm fuzzy feelings all over ❤ I could never truly express my deep gratitude into words for the practice, my teachers & the teachings of yoga, so instead I endeavour to continue to grow, continue to show up for myself everyday, live by example & be congruent in what I teach & to my best ability ensure I too can hold a safe space for healing and to pass on the wisdom that has been taught before me 🙏"